Warning Reported [Stickbaby Juan]

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This is a report of potential unethical business activity by Stickbaby Juan at the website https://www.instagram.com/stickbaby_juan. The following incident report was created anonymously by submission on our site.

I was contacted by a verified Instagram account (www.instagram.com/stickbaby_juan) who said he could help me grow my Instagram following and get me verified on Instagram. He showed me clips of his music deals and how he’d raised money for charity and said he had connections with Instagram and seemed really legit.

We originally worked out a deal to do it for $1000 that I would send $400 and then the other $600 later. When the first $400 came in, he said he needed $350 more, which I was hesitant to do, but agreed. I sent it to him through Venmo using payment protection, which he said had blocked it in his bank and it wouldn’t go through. He needed the other $250, which I paid after a few days.

Nothing ever happened, no movement on my account, and he kept promising it would. He also kept saying the delays came from his boss or other people, and when I pushed, he would make excuses like it was his mother’s birthday and he couldn’t believe I was making him work on his mothers birthday.

We spoke on the phone which I think just made him seem more credible, although I don’t know who I spoke to.

After two weeks of this, he said that we needed more money. When I said no, he said it wasn’t going to happen and he wasn’t going to do anything for me and he would refund my money within two to three weeks. When I said I wanted it now, he said he needed time.

It has now been over a month, no money has been refunded and he has disappeared.

Don’t trust anyone named @stickbaby_juan, Stickbaby Juan, Stickbaby, Jakevion Brow on Venmo or Kevin Black on Cashapp. they are all scams.

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