Content Marketing Awards | Marketing Agency Awards

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The Ultimate Knowledge About The Marketing Agency Awards And Content Marketing Awards

Do you know, what is the basic thing which makes content makers and marketing people stand apart from the rest of the crowd? The answer is quite simple. They do not sustain the process of their success. They are the people who struggle hard for the continuous evolution of their capabilities and keep on iterating their creating achievements while expanding the value which they're deliver to the audience for getting the traffic and views on their content.

This is not a mere talk, if we present you the content marketed by the content makers and marketers of the top brands which have competed for the content marketing awards for 2022, you will notice the kind of struggle which is presented by them for attaining the height of the success. In the present article, there are certain lessons and suggestions for all the content tailors and marketing people which can help them in winning The Marketing Agency Awards and Content Marketing Awards.

  1. Be The Investor In The Go- To Sourcing Of Trusted Information.
  2. Niche Within A Niche.

Let's Kick Start Our Article To Get The Complete Information On The Above-Mentioned Grounds For Winning The Marketing Agency Awards And Content Marketing Awards.

Be The Investor In The Go-To Sourcing Of Trusted Information:

The most renowned content creator who has been famous with the longest success story in content marketing is linked with Cleveland Clinic. His blog Health essentials are considered as one of the best content which are tailored for Content Marketing Awards. This content was also beneficial for the firm for winning the Marketing Agency Awards as he becomes the voice of the firm, he works in.

In the same firm, the content marketer trophy for the year has been won by Amenda Todorovich. In the past years, Amanda's team has broadened their website’s scenario and has created a whole different part of their website with the brand name health library.

The health library has been considered one of the encyclopaedias for the accurate and trustworthy information related to health topics. This website is widely used by the present online customer in a wide range. The organic traffic which is attracted by this website originally comes from the google search engines from the people who want to have the authentic as well as accurate information about health. This traffic constitutes almost 80 percent of the whole traffic.

Content Marketing:

For growing the traffic of the website, the content marketing team has tripled the number of their staff. The expansion of the SEO team for this purpose has grown to 16 people in the team. By using these resources, the firm has successfully evolved its website into a more competitive source that is also comprehensive and comprehendible. As a whole, this team has produced and marketed almost two thousand articles only in 20121.

The rate of traffic growth for the health library website is almost 134 percent every year. The total number of visitors for this website constitutes around three forth of 10-13 million. According to the team lead, the only reason behind this success is the original and simple strategy of the content marketing team which has gained so much success for the company.

A Niche Within The Niche:

The second lesson as well as suggestion which can be found in this regard is to find the niche within the niche. This phenomenon can be better understandable with the example of a health care website. The major image which will be built in the minds of the readers would too similar to an overcrowded website which is fed with plenty of information. The reality is built on a wholly different ground.

The healthcare website has developed a niche within the niche. Their website is about health care so for uploading and having the versatile content, they have devised their content into various niches. There are numerous niches which are working under the umbrella of health care. The popular example is pet care.

Product Information:

The content which is related with the care and health of pets takes rounds on the internet. For getting the absolute answer of their queries. The pert wonders go through millions of contents that have some advice for their pets. They also go through many product information which can add more cuteness and can be a source of an an unending supply of cuteness for their pets.

The internal agency for content consultancy at the Foundry 360 Mr. Dot dash Meredith has successfully identified the community which remains underserved in the niche of the pet community. These unserved audiences are the ones who owns both cats and dogs. The high-profile brand Mars which present itself as a sponsor in May 2021 in the field of pet care, twice launched the yearly magazine which and has been named Petcare which fills up the gap between the presented content and maximized their shares to an estimatedd of 123 billion US dollars. This amount has been spent by the people who have been living as the unserved audience throughout the time period.

Dot-Dosh Meredit:

TThe magazine which fills the gap presents its mission with a definitely cute picture that has a kitten and a dog in it. It has the cover lines as “home alone? Get the help for your furry friends when you get back home after work”. It also illustrates the heading “how to decode the pet’s language and actions: experts' advice on the topic”.

The basic thing that this magazine does is offer equal attention and appeal to dogs' and cats lovers alike. It also caters to the furry family of both species at an equal levels. The extension of Dot-dosh Meredith for pets is called daily which is presented as a new portal for pet owners who can get almost every information regarding the breed, diet, behavior, medication, and illness of their pets at their SCReens.

Mars Petcare:

The distribution of Mars Petcare was tapped by the database of Dot-dash Meredith which helps them in the identification of subscribers who have a record of having dogs and cats at their home. It has been one of the critical points in the marketing strategy of the Mars. The identified individuals received the copies of paw prints totally free.

Both brands I.e., the Mars and Pet Care can be termed as the competitive brands who show their strategy of serving the unserved as well as finding the niche within the niche for growing their click rate as well as their traffic on the extended brand’s website as well as on the original website.

Targeted Communities:

It is not only about the brand strategies. The surveys are run within the targeted communities to get the actual idea about the result which has imposed on the readers and people who visit the website for information. According to the research estimates and results, almost 99 percent of people who visit the website and read the content explains that they do act upon the advices they read on authentic website.

Almost 93 percent of people state that they like to discuss or share the information presented through magazines and websites with their friends and family who also have pets. Almost 80 percent of people sat that they actually purchase the products that is related to the pet care and are mentioned on authentic websites.

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Our Recent Award Winners

Stellar's International Content Marketing Agency Awards!

Each year, the Stellar content marketing awards the most effective content marketing agency team, strategies, and individuals in the field of content. These international awards establish a high standard for the best content worldwide, recognizes excellent work done throughout the previous year, and let everyone be proud of the work.

We invite you to submit your work in the past 12 months to be subjected to review by some of today's most prestigious names in the field to be named the top in the field of content marketing. The awards are open to anyone regardless of whether you're an agent, work for a client, specialize in content, or otherwise.

What did winning the Stellar's content marketing award means for publications, communications, and content professionals.

"While the company had an impressive year in 2021, setting new benchmarks in #workthatworks as well as winning many awards for our strategic innovations and world-class executions, the most awe-inspiring thing was being awarded. These award gave us an opportunity to celebrate in what was otherwise among the toughest and difficult years in our nearly history."